ELE USAL Torino – Alghero Festival

From October 5 to 8, the coastal city of Alghero became the setting for "Dall'altra parte del mare", the festival's prominent international section dedicated to Spanish-language literature. This four-day event was packed with book presentations, readings, concerts, round tables, exhibitions, translation seminars, and meetings with teachers and students.

One of the highlights of the festival was the presence of Mónica Bedana, director of ELE USAL Torino, who actively participated in various activities. This included conversations with the renowned writer Irene Vallejo, as well as the presentation of a book in the company of the director of the Cervantes Institute, Luis García Montero, and the director of the Department of Research, Development and Innovation (R+D+I) of International Courses from the University of Salamanca, Alberto Buitrago.

In collaboration with Alberto Buitrago, Mónica Bedana offered a free, in-person training program on literature aimed at teachers of Spanish as a foreign language in Sardinia. The training program was highlighted by two high-level conferences: "The ecological spirit of Federico García Lorca, an Agenda 2023 ante litteram", presented by Mónica R. Bedana. "Literature in the ELE classroom: the same words for a new world", by Alberto Buitrago Jiménez.

The event attracted more than 300 students, who enthusiastically participated in various reading-related activities. Additionally, nearly 20 teachers attended the in-person training course, marking a significant milestone in the region's educational commitment.

During the festival, Mónica R. Bedana and Luis García Montero, director of the Cervantes Institute, had the honor of presenting the book by Federico García Lorca that they translated the previous year at LINDELE 2022. This presentation became one of the highlights of the event , underscoring the importance of international collaboration in the promotion of literature in Spanish

The Alghero Festival is established as a top-level literary event, driven by the passion and commitment of those who share their experience and love for Spanish literature in the beautiful surroundings of Alghero.